Unleash New Power To Data

WhO we areWe are a data agency.
We are a data agency.
Our mission is to support Data Buyers and Data Providers to get the highest value from their data
Data Lake: More than just a big pond

Data is a potential, not a value, like a Diamond in the rough

Enrichment is the Key

Not everyone needs all the data, that's why a Tailor-Made Strategy is Crucial

The goals is to provide the right data, to the right people, at the right time

Data is a potential, not a value, like a Diamond in the rough

Enrichment is the Key

Not everyone needs all the data, that's why a Tailor-Made Strategy is Crucial

The goals is to provide the right data, to the right people, at the right time
We're not just data matchmakers, we're value creators.
We help Data Buyers to:
- Find the perfect gems: Search and discover data tailored to their needs.
- Refine their searches: Facilitate precise data selection through tools and filters.
- Unlock hidden potential: Gain actionable insights for informed decisions.
We empower Data Providers to:
- Mine their hidden treasures: Uncover valuable insights within their data.
- Clean and polish their gems: Ensure data quality and usability.
- Showcase their assets: Connect with potential buyers on our platform.
How We Do That
We make a preliminary analysis to identify strong signals (recurring topics, references, correlations) via machine learning / human curation on Providers Data Lakes
We shortlist these signals and associated them to the right industry.
We interview the Data Buyer to understand the needs, pain points and technology used to collect data.
We create customized data stream that fits buyer’s analytics needs We continuously support both the Data Buyer and Data Provider to maximize their satisfaction in the use of the data

Are you Ready To Talk?
If you have any kind of question or you think that we might support you, let’s get in touch